Audio Transcripts

Audio Transcripts


Hello Tech Explorers, My name is Blessing Nwachukwu-Frank, and I will be guiding you today on how to use our website.

This website is for those ages 12-17. This will be your technology home. All your classes will be here, but live classes are usually on Zoom. The recorded classes are placed here, and you are going to have to do your assignments on the website, your quizzes, and your examinations too. So I would like you to pay close attention to how to use this website. Bear in mind that if you have any questions, you can check our FAQ page—that is, the Frequently Asked Questions page—or you can simply chat with someone. You can click on the blue button here and press chat or call, and it will connect you right away to someone.

Now let’s take a look at the website. To use this website on a phone to access your classes or watch other videos, it will be better if you download Google Chrome and then, under Chrome, use desktop mode. Do not forget to download Google Chrome, and in Google Chrome, use desktop mode. That way, you will be able to access the videos and watch them on your mobile phone.

Now, this is the homepage of the website. This is for teenagers only. You can see and get familiar with this homepage. This is also known as the landing page, so this is just a basic information page. Then, you can scroll up, and if you want to check things about us, you can click on the About page. You can get to know why you should take our course, the teachers you can meet, the membership fees if you are outside Africa or in Africa, our partners like Sweet Home Georgia, Madonna University, Xandria Staffing, University of Makeni, Agege Bread of Atlanta, SHG Travels, and more. Now this is not all, but this is all about the About page, okay?

So you can check out the Admission page. On the Admission page, you are going to get to know things like your prices, your procedures, and the courses we have. So you can see we have three courses, no, basically two courses just for different ages. So if you are from age 12-14, then you will be taking this one, ‘Data and Technical Studies,’ and if you are from age 15-17, you will be taking this other Data and Technical Studies. Now here we have Data Entry and Tech Support. This is a boot camp program for all ages. Now the Data Entry and Tech Support Course lasts for only six months: four months of training, two months of internship, and then we have Data and Technical Studies. The internship is not a paid position; it’s just an internship to practice what you have learned. And the internship is also subject to your age, so bear that in mind. For Data and Technical Studies, it’s more like a yearly program you have to obtain as a member, and then you pay the monthly fee.

So now let’s keep going down. You can see your membership subscription plans based on where you are. You can scroll down and see your possible career opportunities like Data Analyst, Technical Support Specialist, Software Engineering, and more. You can see the online events we are going to have during the training, and this is not limited to all the events—it’s just some of the events; it could be more or it could be less.

So let’s keep going. Here we have two membership kinds: we have the Zeta Class and the Kappa Class. So if you are from 12-14, you are a Zeta Student, and if you are from 15-17, you are a Kappa Student.

Here we have a very important part of your program, the Student Portal. Here, you can have Course Registration and a Report Form—say you are not pleased with the program or someone is upsetting you or doing something that is against the school rules, you can report them on the Student Report Form page, and we are not going to reveal your identity unless you want it to be revealed.

So here, under the Student Portal, you have your Time Tracker (very important). You have to always clock into class. You either log in and go to the Time Tracker right here or right here and then clock in. You can also clock in directly. When you finish your class each time, make sure you clock out. Do not forget to clock in during live classes and then clock out after live classes. You can also leave on break and return from break. This is to train you for the workforce as you grow up, so you can get used to clocking in and clocking out.

Here we have the login; you can log in here, or you can just log in here. So we are going to log in. I’m going to use an email that I use for simulation exercises. So I’m going to click ‘Remember Me.’ Bear in mind that you only want to click Remember Me if that computer is your computer. If you are using a public computer, you might not want to click Remember Me for security reasons. So here we are. As you log in, you are going to get something like this with your name. So this profile says Blessy; you are going to get something similar to this but with your name, okay?

Here we have courses you are enrolled in. So if you are enrolled in Data and Technical Studies, you should see it saying “One In Progress Course.” If you have finished the course, failed it, or passed it, everything will be on here. If you have quizzes for your course, they will appear here; current quizzes, finished quizzes, passed quizzes, or failed quizzes. And whatever course you want to order but haven’t paid for will be on your Wishlist if you have saved it or favorited the course. Say, “Hey, I want to favorite this course and keep it for later.” If you have already paid for any course, it will be under your orders. Here you have your settings. In these settings, you can change your avatar image, which is your profile picture; you can change your cover image and your password; you can set your privacy settings and general information. When you want to buy a course, you go to Data and Technical Studies, and here you can find your course. For example, if you are 12-14 years old, you can click ‘Buy Now’ or click ‘Add to Wishlist,’ okay?

Here you can see the curriculum. In the curriculum, whatever quiz you have or class video, you can just click on it and watch it. You can see these are all content-protected because I have not enrolled in any course. So let’s check out this public one—let’s say this is public or a preview Orientation Guide—so you click on it. You can see our Orientation Guide, your lessons, quizzes, and every class we have. We are going to upload them most of the time, so you will also be able to access most of your classes. It’s going to be quite interesting, and I look forward to having you.

You can check out the Overview to see the requirements and all the features. You can check out the reviews for the program, and the Frequently Asked Questions. You may want to check your questions before asking them; maybe they have already been answered on the website. But if you still have something you don’t understand, feel free to reach out to admin, and it will be handled for you. Here you have the Contact Page; you can decide to just send us a message right away, and we will attend to it as soon as we receive it, as best as we can. So let’s see, that’s our partner, Instructor Home Kids. Maybe you have a child you want to register, ages 6-11; you can click on Instructor Home Adult, which takes you to our main page for the main program or the main school. So pretty much, that’s it.

How to log into class and, when finished, how to log out. So let’s go to the login part. See, I go to the login, and I see the logout button. To log out, I go to the student portal, then I log in, and it will take me back to my profile page. I can simply just log out, and that is how you log into class. Pretty simple, isn’t it? I do look forward to being your mentor and teaching and guiding you. I hope you have a great rest of the day.
Welcome to class.